Every Thursday from 19:00 to 20:00

Pricing and Venue

Reggaeton with Marianne

The workshop is taking place in Little Havana Bar every Thursday from 19:00 to 20:00.

*STUDENTS: 12 Euros/Workshop*
1x Workshop 17 Euros

It is a pleasure to have you on board

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About Reggaeton Courses

Welcome to the Reggaeton course, where we're about to dive into the infectious rhythms and vibrant beats that define this genre! Over the next sessions, we'll explore the roots of Reggaeton, its evolution, and the key elements that make it a global sensation. From the rhythmic patterns to the lyrical flow, get ready to groove and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural influences that shape Reggaeton. Whether you're a seasoned musician or just someone with a passion for music, this course promises to be a rhythmic journey you won't forget!